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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06/10/2008
Old Lyme Board of Selectmen - Unapproved
Special Meeting Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Board of Selectmen held a special meeting at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 in the Regional School District 18 Middle School Auditorium. First Selectman Timothy Griswold, Selectman Skip Sibley and Selectwoman Bonnie Reemsnyder were present.
John Forbis, Chairman of the Building Committee, was also present.

A 13 page packet detailing the Town Hall Expansion & Renovation Project budget, including sources and uses of funds and a furniture schedule, was distributed to everyone who attended the meeting.

1. Discussion of the Town Hall Expansion Project
First Selectman Griswold reported that the expansion project is proceeding well and is expected to finish ahead of schedule in July or August. The relocated Town Hall staff returned to the Town Hall in May.
Phase 1, the wings and second floor, has been completed. The board and commission meetings, currently held at Christ the King Church, should be able to be held in the Town Hall in August.

A Town Hall Project budget packet was distributed to provide people with the details of the project, as requested at the May 19 Town Budget meeting and at the most recent Board of Finance meeting.
The packet contains:
·       $4,600,000 Proposal: Summary Budget, Sources & Uses of Funds and Budget/Actual & Pro-forma for 19 Cost Categories
·       $4,400,000 Proposal: Summary Budget and Sources & Uses of Summary Budget,
·       Town Hall Expansion Furniture Schedule

Selectman Griswold and Mr. Forbis went over each category and explained in detail which items went over budget and why. The change orders total $235,000 and are about 8% of the construction budget (5-10% is standard). They discussed the Items to Finish list (section 19) and the related estimated grants. The Building Committee has not reduced the scope of the project (value engineering) in order to save money. Selectman Sibley stated his preference that the landscaping not be deferred (it is not a suggested item for deferral) because the town has made a commitment to preserve the attractiveness and quality of the area.

Selectman Griswold discussed the grants that were received – a $200,000 Historic Restoration Fund Grant and $200,000 from the Local Capital Improvement Program (LOCIP).

The town did not receive the $600,000 Small Cities Grant because the project had already been started when the town started its application for the grant. The town was not aware that the grant application had to be submitted before the project was started. Government liaisons investigated the situation to see if there was any way that requirement could be waived, but were not successful.  The town did receive a $425,000 STEAP Grant for the Church Corner project but there is no connection between the two.

Selectwoman Reemsnyder expressed her appreciation of the extensive detail in the Town Hall Project budget packet.

Public Comment
Bill Folland stated his opinion that the Building Committee had done a very good job and said that his questions were not intended to diminish its contribution. He believes that the May 19 budget vote failed because of oversight and trust (ethics) issues. He questioned the method of invoicing and check signing for the project. He believes the newly formed Ethics Commission should review the situation.

David Kelsey asked questions about some of the change orders and the bond financing.

Jack Collins asked questions about the grants and the financing.

Gerry Foster, a member of the Economic Development Commission and the Tree Commission, commended the documentation that was distributed. She stated that she is in favor of approving the money to finish the project the right way. She also stated that the members of the Tree Commission have been watering the trees and nursery plants faithfully since the project started because they care about the town and the project. She thanked everyone who has worked on the expansion project for doing a great job.

John Bysko, Town Treasurer and a member of the Building Committee, stated that the $425,000 STEAP grant for the Church Corner will go into the town coffers. He asked First Selectman Griswold to speak about the grants. Mr. Griswold stated that the towns of Lyme and Old Lyme received STEAP grants totaling $950,000 for Phase I of the Towns Woods project and then another $600,000 of STEAP grants for Phase II (the two baseball and softball fields).  The Town of Old Lyme applied for the $425,000 STEAP grant for the Church Corner road project and was awarded the grant very quickly.  While we cannot say the grant approval was to “make up” for the Small Cities situation, it was a welcome event.

Adam Burrows stated that he appreciated the information packet that was given out. He asked questions about the LOCIP grant, purchase orders, ECS funding and the FY2007 Budget.

First Selectman Griswold stated that there will be a Board of Selectmen meeting on Monday, June 16 and a Board of Finance meeting on Tuesday, June 17. The project should be finished in late July or August, so a town meeting decision on the $200,000 request should be made soon in order that the contractor may do the things he must do before the completion date. A town meeting could be scheduled before July 4th.

Selectwoman Reemsnyder stated that after the $195,000 appropriation was turned down on May 19, the Selectmen considered asking for less money. However, they heard from townspeople that they wanted to spend the additional money to finish the project in its entirety and simply wanted more clarity on the project’s finances. She asked those in attendance to share the budget information that was distributed with other people and stated that it will be posted on the town’s web site. She asked people to email or call the Selectmen with questions or comments the project.
2. Adjournment
Selectman Sibley moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 P.M. Selectwoman Reemsnyder seconded the motion. SO VOTED.

Respectfully submitted,  

Martha Hansen
Recording Secretary